Paws Sniffari
Scent work unleashes canine excellence.

What is Paws Sniffari?
Paws Sniffari is a scent based company that teaches dogs how to find people and pets.
This is called Man Trailing and Pet Trailing.
This activity can be used to increase the bond between you and your dog.
When sniffing a dogs stress levels decreases as well as heart rate and is mentally and physically stimulating which intern relaxes them and can improve behaviour.
Dogs need mental stimulation as well as physical stimulation and this is a great activity for just that.
So remember a sniffing dog is a happy dog!
What do you need for this activity:
Your dog
A Harness
A 5-10 meter long line
High reward Tasty treats or toy
Suitable clothing and footwear for British weather.

Who can take part?
Any breed big or small, young or old, no matter the temperament, deaf, blind, or 3 legged we can adapt our training.
Puppies can also benefit as it’s a great way to meet people calmly.
Reactive dogs are welcome to join as the dogs are worked on lead at all times, and one dog is out at a time.
How does mantrailing and pettrailing work?
Mantrailing is a dog sport where a dog uses its nose to locate a hidden person, or dog following their scent. The hidden person or dog leaves behind a scent article they have worn or touched. They then leave a trail of scent behind them, which the dogs are taught to follow. Every person and dog has a unique scent, and mantrailing/pettrailing dogs follow this unique scent to get a reward at the end.
Dogs are as individual as humans and respond to the world around them in different ways, we understand it’s not one size fits all. Our teaching style allows us to adapt our training to best suit the needs of you and your dog this means anybody can enjoy the sport that so many love and ensure you and your dog get the most out of your session.
Dogs will be worked separately so please be prepared that you will not be actively training for 2 hours, there will be some sitting around in cars and very importantly hiding for the other dogs there will always be somebody with the vehicles.
If this sounds fun to you why not Join us for the ultimate game of hide and seek for you and your dog
Fun Facts
Humans have 6 million Olfactory receptors Sounds a lot right?
Not quite. Our canine companions have a whopping 300 million of these!
A Dogs nose prints are unique like human finger prints.
40,000 skin rafts leaving the human body per minute.
A dog’s nose can detect scents as far as 40 feet underground and as much as 80 feet underwater.
While it’s hard for scientists to give an exact figure, they believe a dog’s sense of smell to be 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than ours.
£25 per dog